Super Mario Bros. Wonder julkaistaan Nintendo Switchille 20. lokakuuta 2023. Painotus on isosti verkkopelissä, mikä on Nintendolle varsin harvinaista. Tuottaja Takashi Tezuka ja ohjaaja Shiro Mouri kertoivat, että tulossa on kokonaan uudenlainen verkkopelikokemus kaksiulotteisessa Mariossa. Muun muassa seuranhaku toimii koko ajan taustalla.
"In this game, our goal is a 2D Mario game with a new kind of online experience. What we came up with in terms of a concept for the online game was to have or create casual connections. And what I mean by this casual connection is that you can enjoy the same kind of experience as with a single player."
"And because the matchmaking runs in the background, you don't have to wait for it to be done. When you play online, there will be other players playing simultaneously around the world who will appear on your screen as shadows of live players."