Super Mario Bros. Wonder

Super Mario Bros. Wonderin kenttiä ei suunniteltu ruutupaperilla ja lyijykynällä

Ihan niin klassiseksi ei heittäydytty.

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* Pakollinen tieto

Gamescomin humussa Gamereactor pääsi haastattelemaan Super Mario Bros. Wonderin Takashi Tezukaa, joka oli paikan päällä jo silloin, kun ensimmäiset Mariot ja Zeldat tehtiin 1980-luvulla. Tuolloin kenttäsuunnittelua tehtiin ruutupaperilla ja lyijykynällä, mutta enää työtä ei tehdä yhtä retroilevasti.

Katso koko haastattelu alta.

"So first off thank you for noting that. And as you mention, back in the days we used to design these courses using paper and pen, but of course we don't do that anymore! (Laughs). So now we've developed a specific tool for this, and so level designers can use this tool to design their courses. So level design doesn't mean that we're just placing certain given elements and items into a course".

"So these level designers need to work together with people like programmers, sound creators, and also other designers as well. There's also obviously a know-how from past Mario courses as well and certain things that are sort of predetermined in that sense. So we also go through these fixed points as well but we also have a lot of different types of courses and so we need to think about different ideas to create these courses as well. That's one of the most challenging aspects."

Super Mario Bros. Wonder

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