Rise of the Ronin

Team Ninja haluaa saavuttaa enemmän Rise of the Roninin jälkeisellä pelillään

Se seuraava pitää olla aina parempi kuin edeltäjä.

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* Pakollinen tieto

Team Ninjan uusin peli Rise of the Ronin on ulkona. Kehittäjä kuitenkin tähyää jo eteenpäin.

VGC:lle puhunut peliohjaaja Fumihiko Yasuda kertoi, että avoin maailma oli iso haaste. Se seuraava peli tulee olemaan parempi, kun taas on opittu jotain uutta.

"Rise of the Ronin was a big challenge for us, because it's something we hadn't done up until now in terms of the level of freedom and the story while retaining the action gameplay."

"I believe we were able to realise the concept, and I'm hoping that as players get their hands on the game, they'll be able to experience it as we originally envisioned it. I think going forward, our challenge is to build from that and perhaps achieve things we weren't able to do this time, and continue to build from there."

Rise of the Ronin

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