The Callisto Protocol päivittyi New Game+ -mahdollisuudella
Myynnit menivät penkin alle, mutta ladattava lisätavara tuntuu toimivan.
The Callisto Protocol julkaistin 2. joulukuuta 2022, ja Gamereactorin arvion pääsee lukemaan täällä. Tuolloin pelistä puuttui se uuden kierroksen mahdollistava New Game+, mutta ei huolta, sillä nyt puute on korjattu.
The Callisto Protocolin uusi päivitys on linjoilla niin PC:llä, Xboxilla kuin Playstationillakin. Erityisen mukavaa on, että päivitys piti saapua vasta 7. helmikuuta, joten kerrankin jotain saadaan etuajassa. New Game+ -tilan ohella nyt parannetaan yleistä suoriutumista, pokaalipalkinnossa The Protocol is About Life ilmennyt ongelma ja niin edelleen.
Katso tarkemmat uudistukset kuvan alta englanniksi.
Update 3.01
New Game+
Users who previously completed the game will have access to New Game+ after the patch.
Application restart may be required.
Requires an active save file from game completion.
Fixed an issue where some users were not correctly granted the "The Protocol is About Life" achievement
Added New Game Plus. Complete the game to unlock New Game Plus and carry your progression over to a new save. All weapons, upgrades, and Callisto Credits can be collected at the first Reforge.
General performance optimisations across all platforms
Players no longer take damage when vaulting over obstacles
Fixed multiple issues where certain camera angles or progression paths could cause environments to stream out and allow Jacob to fall through the ground
Consistency pass on cabinets, lockers, and shelves to display correctly in High Contrast mode
Voice leveling and subtitle mismatch adjustments across localized languages
Fixed low frequency crash in the Tunnels level during the Two Head fight
Skip Cinematics button has been mapped to the Interact/Pickup input
Fixed a long hitch when enabling Ray-Traced Shadows in the main menu
Prevented mouse cursor from displaying during some area transitions
Fixed low frequency crash in Snowcat when Jacob is talking to Dani