The King of Fighters XV

The King of Fighters XV lykättiin vuoden 2022 alkuun

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* Pakollinen tieto

Odotettu tappelupeli The King of Fighters XV on lykätty vuoden 2022 ensimmäiselle neljännekselle. Asiasta kertoi kehittäjä ja julkaisija SNK. Syyksi kerrotaan edelleen vaikuttava koronaviruksen jylläys.

"There are many fans who are anticipating the release of KOF XV in 2021, however at this point in time, we unfortunately have to announce that KOF XV will now be launching within the 1st quarter of 2022.

The development timeline we set out to reach in the beginning has been affected by the ever-still rising cases of COVID-19 within Japan. We have made the ultimate decision in the end that the product's quality must come first, and so with that decision comes an altered release window.

We sincerely ask for your kind patience and understanding as our development teams continue to work hard on KOF XV as we draw closer to its release."

The King of Fighters XV

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