Total War: Warhammer

The King & The Warlord -lisäri julkistettiin Total War: Warhammeriin

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Creative Assembly on paljastanut uuden ladattavan lisäosan sen mainioon Total War: Warhammer -strategiapeliin. The King & The Warlord on määrä saapua pelaajien ulottuville 20. lokakuuta. Lehdistötiedotteen mukaan lisuri sisältää seuraavaa:

· Two new Legendary Lords...
· ...with new quest chains, magic items and skill trees
· Two new additional Lord types
· Six all-new battlefield units
· 22 all-new elite Regiments of Renown

DLC-paketti on jo ennakkohankittavissa Steamissa hintaan 6,74 euroa. Tsekkaa julkistustraileri alta.

Total War: WarhammerTotal War: WarhammerTotal War: WarhammerTotal War: Warhammer
The King & The Warlord introduces two new Legendary Lords to the game: Ancestral heir of Karak Eight Peaks, Belagar Ironhammer who leads the Dwarfen faction of Clan Angrund, and Warlord of The Eight Peaks Skarsnik, leading the Crooked Moon Tribe. This new Lords pack also offers a wide array of new campaign bonus, new battle maps, new lords and some exciting new units including a fan favourite for the first time in Total War: WARHAMMER, Squigs!
Total War: WarhammerTotal War: WarhammerTotal War: Warhammer
Total War: WarhammerTotal War: Warhammer

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