Komediasarja Scrubs eli kotimaisittain Tuho-osasto viihdytti vuosina 2001-2010, ja ajoittain on ollut puhetta sarjan jatkamisesta. Tuho-osaston luoja Bill Lawrence on kannattanut ajatusta ainakin muutaman lisäkauden verran.
Mutta koska se jatko voisi sitten toteutua? Lawrence lupasi pohtia asiaa puolen vuoden kuluttua, sillä juuri nyt hän on moiseen liian kiireinen.
"You know, I'm really candid about it. We're definitely going to do it, just because we've all been enjoying hanging out. Look, there's no huge drive because everybody's successful, and I think the show was on for like, 72 years, but the on the other hand, medical people over here right now are very heroic to me. I don't want to do it as a movie, but I'm definitely open to doing a couple more years of that show. It would not only be fun to see where the characters I used to love are now, but also to see what a young doctor nowadays looks like, as far as the kids coming in behind them, you know."
"I think we'll figure it out in the next six months or so what we want to do. I'm just busy too, man, in a great way."
Kiitokset, Lad Bible