Wargaming on antanut kenkää World of Tanksin luovalle ohjaajalle Sergey Burkatovskiylle. Hän antoi nyt jo poistetussa Facebook-julkaisussaan tukensa Venäjän hyökkäykselle Ukrainaan. Asiasta raportoi PC Gamer, jonka mukaan Sergey Burkatovskiy ilmoitti tukevansa niin Venäjän joukkoja kuin Itä-Ukrainan separatistialueitakin.
"[he supports] the operation of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the DPR [Donetsk People's Republic] and the LPR [Luhansk People's Republic]."
Wargaming ilmoitti pian tukensa Kiovan toimipisteelleen, ja lupasi lahjoittaa miljoona dollaria Ukrainan Punaiselle Ristille.
"At Wargaming, the safety and security of our employees is the top priority. Currently, all available company resources are helping and supporting our 550+ colleagues: providing them with alternate housing, early salary payments, additional funds to aid travel and relocation. We are helping our employees' families to travel to neighboring countries and organizing accommodation for them.
And lastly, today Wargaming Kyiv are donating $1m to the Ukrainian Red Cross. These funds will be used to support Ukrainian hospitals and doctors, those citizens who have been displaced and other vital activities of the humanitarian organization as is needed."
Wargaming alleviivasi lopuksi, että lisätukea annetaan, mikäli siihen on tarvetta.