Rebel Moon - Part One: A Child of Fire

Zack Snyderin mukaan 160 miljoonaa on nähnyt Rebel Moonin

The Joe Rogan Experiencessa se paljastui.

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Elokuvaohjaaja Zack Snyder esiintyi The Joe Rogan Experiencessa. Puheena oli muun muassa ohjaajan uusin Netflix-elokuva Rebel Moon - Part One: A Child of Fire. Snyderin mukaan elokuvan on nähnyt 160 miljoonaa ihmistä.

"You think about Netflix, for instance, where you push a button. Rebel Moon, right? Say right now it's almost at 90 million views, right? 80 or 90 million accounts turned it on, give or take. They assume two viewers per screening, right? That's the kind of math. So you think if that movie was in the theater as a distribution model, that's like 160,000,000 people supposedly watching based on that math. 160,000,000 people at $10 a ticket would be...what is that math? I don't know. 160,000,000 times ten. That's 1.6 billion. So more people probably saw Rebel Moon than saw Barbie in the theater, right?"

Barbie keräsi pätäkkää 1,446 miljardia dollaria. Snyder laskee, että jos yksi lippu elokuviin maksaa 10 dollaria niin se merkitsee, että peräti 144,6 miljoonaa ihmistä näki Barbien elokuvateattereissa.

"That's how crazy Netflix is. That's the distribution model that they've set up. I was at this thing the other day, and we were talking about Rebel Moon 2. And they were like, 'Well, talk about Rebel Moon, the first one.' I'm like, 'No, go f****ing watch it. I know you have it at your house.' It's not like a theater situation. You could turn it on your phone right now and watch it right here if you wanted. That's how crazy it is. This model, this machine they've built, is really something else. It's really crazy if you think about it."

Rebel Moon - Part One: A Child of Fire

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