Persona 4: Golden

Persona 4: Golden PC:llä menestys, Sega ja Atlus haluavat julkaista muitakin pelejään sekä konsoleilla että PC:llä

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* Pakollinen tieto

Persona 4: Golden julkaistiin aiemmin tänä kesänä PC:lle Steamissa, ja Gamereactorin arvion voi lukea täällä. Myynnit ovat olleet hyvät, joten nyt Sega ja Atlus haluavat julkaista PC:lle muitakin pelejään konsoleiden lisäksi. Asiasta kerrottiin Persona Centralissa.

"We remastered "Persona 4 the Golden", a title previously sold on the PlayStation Vita, and released it for sale on Steam this fiscal year. Because of the game's critical acclaim and its low selling price, sales were much stronger than expected. We will continue to actively promote porting previously released titles to Steam and new platforms. We are also negotiating with platform holders for new games in the future, and we're considering ways to sell under favorable conditions for each title. Among them are measures such as preparing PC versions of the titles from the beginning, with multi-platform releases in mind."

Persona 4: Golden

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