Eidos Montrealilla oli työn alla uusi Deus Ex -peli, mutta sitten koko projekti kuopattiin, ja Embracer Group antoi kenkää isolle osalle henkilökunnasta.
Päähenkilö Adam Jensenin ääninäyttelijä Elias Toufexis on sanonut, ettei häneen koskaan otettu yhteyttä uuden pelin kehityksen aikana. Lisäksi studio on pyytänyt häntä olemaan hiljaa julkisuudessa Adam Jensenin roolistaan. Asiasta kertoi PC Games N.
"Everything I heard past 2016 was unofficial, from friends or acquaintances. Even when they [Eidos Montreal] went off and did Guardians Of The Galaxy and shelved any sequel, I had to hear about it second hand. They didn't even throw an audition my way. They don't tell me s***. Everything I've heard is from friends off the record, and it ain't much. I remember I heard from Eidos in 2020 when they called me to ask me to stop talking about Adam Jensen in interviews and podcasts because they wanted people to focus on other things from the studio, which really shows how popular Jensen is, or was anyway."