Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain julkaistiin vuonna 2015. Mukana on niin sanottu salainen loppuratkaisu Nuclear Disarmament, joka edellyttää verkossa olevien pelaajien yhteistyötä. Did You Know Gaming käytti joitakin huijauskeinojakin päästäkseen loppuun, mutta lopulta oli todettava, ettei loppuratkaisua ole mahdollista saavuttaa.
"We ran into what can only be defined as an invincible set of nukes that do not belong to any base. If you're familiar with the MGSV Forward Operating Base system, a nuke is always placed on a FOB after a player makes it. But there were 40 or so of these invincible nukes that didn't have FOB's they belonged to. They simply existed without a FOB. We call them 'Phantom Nukes'."
Pohdinnan perusteella näyttää siltä, ettei loppuratkaisua koskaan tehty valmiiksi johtuen pelisuunnittelija Hideo Kojiman ja Konamin tulehtuneista väleistä. Näin mietti VGC.
"However, many have argued that due to the fractious nature of the relationship between Konami and series creator Hideo Kojima towards the end of development, it's possible that despite plans for more content following the nuclear abolition, it was never finished, and thus Konami could never allow for the nuke count to hit zero, as the promised reward doesn't actually exist."
Kiitokset, VGC