Oi niitä aikoja... silloin joskus reaaliaikastrategiat eli RTS-pelit olivat iso juttu, ja strategia yleensä oli kaiken kansan huulilla. Mutta vaikka PC-pelaamisen osuus kasvaa, ei strategiapelien suosio ole kasvanut.
Quantic Foundry on tutkinut aineistoa yhdeksän vuoden ajalta käyttäen omaa Gamer Motivation Profile -työkaluaan. Näin on vahdittu myyntejä ja pelaamista erilaisten avainsanojen avulla koskien sitä, mikä vetoaa pelaavaan kansaan parhaiten.
Yhdeksän vuoden ajan samat avainsanat ovat olleet pinnalla lukuun ottamatta sanaa "strategy". Peräti 67% pelaavasta kansasta ei nykyisin enää välitä strategiasta.
"Gamers who score high on this component enjoy games that require careful decision-making and planning. They like to think through their options and likely outcomes. These may be decisions related to balancing resources and competing goals, managing foreign diplomacy, or finding optimal long term strategies. They tend to enjoy both the tactical combat in games like XCOM or Fire Emblem, as well as seeing their carefully devised plans come to fruition in games like Civilization, Cities: Skylines, or Europa Universalis."
"67% of gamers today care less about strategic thinking and planning when playing games than the average gamer back in June 2015. When we looked for long-term trends across the 12 motivations, we found that many motivations were stable or experienced minor deviations over the past nine years. Strategy was the clear exception; it had substantially declined over the past nine years and the magnitude of this change was more than twice the size of the next largest change."
Kiitokset, Quantic Foundry