Ubisoft esitteli E3-lähetyksessään aiempaa mittavammin tulevaa peliään Rainbow Six: Extraction, joka ennen tunnettiin nimellä Rainbow Six: Quarantine. Kyseessä on kavereiden kanssa yhdessä pelattava pyssyttely, jossa sarjasta tutut hahmot kohtaavat biologisen painajaisen.
Gamereactor sai haastatteluun luovan ohjaajan Patrik Méthén, jonka mukaan Extraction haluaa olla pelien PvE-lajityypille (Player versus Environment) sitä, mitä Rainbow Six: Siege on ollut PvP:lle (Player versus Player).
"Our goal as a team was to do for the PvE genre, what Siege did for the PvP. We wanted to make sure from the very beginning to make sure that we would bring a new dimension in terms of the type of challenge you'll be facing."
Kuinka sitten Extraction vetoaa niin Siegen veteraaneihin kuin uusiinkin pelaajiin? Mukana on lukuisia erilaisia vaikeustasoja, ja pelin edistyessä haaste kasvaa.
"We have many different layers of difficulty in the game, and as you progress in the game, the challenge will drastically increase. We're very confident that even the most hardcore Siege player will find the challenge to the level they're expecting."
Tulossa olevalla pelillä on ollut useita eri nimiä, mutta Extraction löysi paikkansa noin puoli vuotta sitten.
"We had many different code names throughout the production of the game. Extraction came, I would say, six months ago maybe, and it was as we were putting the pieces of the puzzle together. It became obvious at its core, Extraction is really the name of the game."