Summer Game Festin humussa esiteltiin mittavasti Massive Entertainmentin 30. elokuuta 2024 julkaistavaa peliä Star Wars Outlaws, ja myös Gamereactor pääsi katsomaan peliä ennakkoon. Kaikki eivät kuitenkaan olleet aivan yhtä innoissaan, ja vertasivat tulevaa Star Wars -peliä Uncharted-sarjaan.
Ohjaaja Julian Gerighty kommentoi asiaa VGC:lle. Hänen mukaansa lehdistö pääsi näkemään vain hyvin pienen osuuden kokonaisuudesta. Peli on oleva mahtava.
I mean, for me it wasn't necessarily our reference point. It's such a wonderful game to be compared to though, so if you're going to be compared to somebody, it might as well be the best in the industry. Naughty Dog and what they do is absolutely brilliant, so I'll take it, but it wasn't the point of origin. I think coming into a show like this, while you're closing a game in terms of production, you have to make a lot of choices, and our producer was like, you get one demo for all of the shows that we're going to go to during the year, so Gamescom, ComiCon [etc]. And they're consumer plus journalist focused, so we had to choose something that was 20 minutes, bite-sized, lots of variety, lots of representative systems, but not the open world experience, because we're going to expose that during the studio tour, in the preview event over here."